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Author: P.Y.


What is PCOS?

Polycystic ovary syndrome, also referred to as PCOS, is a very common hormonal condition that affects women of reproductive age. Its prevalence varies widely by race and ethnicity, but it is estimated that 4% to 20% of women of childbearing age worldwide are affected by this endocrine disorder.


Do you have PCOS?

To be diagnosed with PCOS, a healthcare provider would need to check whether you have at least two of the following three criteria: hyperandrogenism, ovulatory dysfunction, and polycystic ovaries. Hyperandrogenism means having high levels of androgens, which are hormones that primarily play a role in the development and maintenance of male traits and reproductive activity. Ovulatory dysfunction refers to having irregular menstrual cycles or an absence of periods or ovulation. Polycystic ovaries means having multiple cysts on your ovaries.

Many women with PCOS notice that they have at least one of the following: missed or irregular periods, excess body hair, weight gain especially around the belly, acne or oily skin, male-pattern baldness or thinning hair, dark or thick skin patches, or excess skin tags on the neck or armpits.


Why does PCOS matter for women trying to get pregnant?

PCOS is one of the most common causes of female infertility. If you are diagnosed with PCOS and wish to get pregnant, you should first consult with your healthcare provider for appropriate therapy recommendations specific to your health condition. Effective PCOS treatment options such as clomiphene and lifestyle modifications can help encourage monthly ovulation in women trying to get pregnant with PCOS.

The good news is that with the right treatment plan, PCOS is a manageable condition. Since one of the major problems associated with PCOS is weight gain associated with insulin resistance, forming a treatment plan around maintaining a healthy weight is particularly important. Here are some steps you can take to lose weight and get pregnant with PCOS.


9-Step PCOS Diet Plan to Lose Weight and Get Pregnant

1. Limit Carbohydrates

The first step in an effective PCOS diet plan to lose weight and get pregnant involves limiting carbohydrates. A low-carbohydrate diet works well for women with PCOS because it prevents sugar levels from reaching too high of a level and reduces the body’s need for insulin, leading to better weight loss results. A daily limit of no more than 20 to 57 grams of carbohydrates is ideal for curbing weight gain.


2. Minimize Processed Foods and Added Sugars

In addition to a low-carb diet, it’s very important for women with PCOS to limit processed foods and sugars which can lead to obesity, insulin resistance, and inflammation. Women with PCOS have higher insulin and blood sugar spikes compared to women without PCOS after eating the same amount of sugar. These sugar and insulin spikes can lead to feeling hungrier and eating more, resulting in further weight gain.

To stop this vicious cycle, try laying off processed snacks with refined carbs and sugar, such as cakes, cookies, pies, and fast food. It’s probably also best to avoid sugary drinks including sodas and sports drinks, as well as alcoholic beverages.


3. Reduce Bad Bacteria

Women with PCOS have lower gut bacterial diversity than women without PCOS, and studies have demonstrated that adding good bacteria can be beneficial for those wanting to manage the condition. If you have PCOS, adding probiotics to your diet can improve fertility outcomes via its positive effects on metabolism, hormone balance, and inflammation. Take care of your gut health by adding fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir, or simply probiotic supplements to your diet in order to restore balance to the composition of your gut microbiome.


4. Load up on Fiber

A PCOS diet plan with fiber is great for helping you to lose weight because it helps your body stay full after eating. In addition, a high fiber diet can result in improved insulin resistance, lower total body fat, and less belly fat compared to women without PCOS. Try to get 25 grams of fiber per day from food. A diet high in fiber can include any combination of cooked beans, broccoli, leafy greens such as kale and spinach, mixed nuts, and fruits.


5. Pack on the Protein

Similar to a fiber-rich diet, a meal with plenty of protein can also help you feel full longer and reduce cravings that can tempt you to overeat. Protein helps you boost metabolism and burn more calories when paired with a low-fat diet. Therefore, if you have PCOS and are looking to conceive, you might want to try incorporating a good amount of healthy protein into a PCOS diet plan to lose weight and get pregnant. To get a variety of nutrients, choose from protein sources including fish, meat, eggs, dairy, nuts, and seafood.


6. Have Healthy Fats

It might seem counterintuitive to add fats to your diet plan when trying to lose weight and get pregnant, but healthy fats can help keep you feeling full after eating, leading to fewer calories consumed throughout the day. These healthy fats include olive oil, unsalted nuts, nut butters, avocado, and omega-3 rich fish, such as salmon.


7. Manage Stress

Stress raises levels of cortisol, a hormone that at chronically high levels is associated with insulin resistance and weight gain. Chronic stress can also lead to increased belly fat which can trigger the body into a pro-inflammatory state, resulting in more cortisol production. To stop this cycle, make efforts to lower your stress level through restorative activities such as yoga, meditation, and spending time outdoors.


8. Prioritize Exercise

Getting enough exercise is very important for women with PCOS who want to lose weight. Exercise not only enhances your metabolism and helps with weight loss, it also regulates your hormones and minimizes testosterone level increases to help with PCOS symptoms like hair growth and acne.

The best exercises for PCOS are cardiovascular workouts, high intensity interval training (HIIT), and strength training. Cardiovascular workouts help reduce insulin resistance by keeping your heart healthy and also stabilizes your mood for stress relief. In addition, HIIT is very effective at improving insulin resistance and burning fat. Moreover, strength training is also great at reducing insulin resistance, increasing metabolism, building muscle mass, and reducing fat tissue. Combining these workouts with your own PCOS diet plan can be very effective in helping you lose weight and get pregnant.


9. Get Enough Quality Sleep

Research has found that women with PCOS may be more likely to experience sleep disturbances such as obstructive sleep apnea and chronic daytime sleepiness. Since both PCOS and sleep issues are associated with insulin resistance and increased risk of obesity, making efforts to improve sleep quality is considered one of the most important lifestyle modifications for women with PCOS.


The bottom line

Women with PCOS who are trying to conceive have slightly different needs than women without PCOS, especially when it comes to increasing fertility through a prepregnancy diet plan. Listen to your body and modify this PCOS diet plan to one that works best for your body.

Regardless of which lifestyle modifications you choose to adopt, the general principles behind this 9-step PCOS diet plan to lose weight and get pregnant are the same – achieve a healthy weight, improve insulin resistance, regulate hormonal imbalances, prevent future reproductive and metabolic complications, and improve quality of life.


Summary of 9-step PCOS diet plan to lose weight and get pregnant

Reduce Increase Manage
1. Limit Carbohydrates

2. Minimize Processed Foods and Added Sugars

3. Reduce Bad Bacteria

4. Load up on Fiber

5. Pack on the Protein

6. Have Healthy Fats

7. Manage Stress

8. Prioritize Exercise

9. Get Enough Quality Sleep



This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to offer medical advice.


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